A chorus contains a multiplicity of voices, moving in synchrony, while maintaining their own characteristics, identities and experiences. Our chorus is a dynamic and growing international village connected and mobilized in purpose:

to use art as a tool for dismantling structural violence.


Pitt is an artist and activist challenging prison conditions for a national audience from within his prison cell in Virginia. Two states away, Bliss mentors youth as a volunteer because that is his passion; however, every time he applies for mentoring jobs, his applications are denied due to background checks. Across the country, Sharen has hosted community grief support gatherings for the past 35 years, taking care of mothers who’ve lost children to violence in San Francisco. Over the bridge in Oakland, 19-year old Dante makes music and meditates, which are the tools he used to survive multiple profiling encounters with local police and nights in the holding cell. These are some of the 100+ narrators with lived experience of structural violence at the heart of our community.


Inspired by our narrators, our world-class artists create musical and visual meditations in conversation with our narrators’ central themes. Over 150 people collaborated on The Healing Project’s 2023 artistic premieres across the country, including visual artist Titus Kaphar, poet and lawyer Reginald Dwayne Betts, and composer Rafiq Bhatia.


As we tour The Healing Project exhibition and concert around the globe, our community widens. Aligned partner organizations, real-time community feedback, and audience exchanges continue to shape and expand the impact of our work. We invite all who engage with The Healing Project to help transform our society from one that is performative to one that is honest, from one that punishes and oppresses to one that repairs and heals.